With the technological development, social media took a great place in the hearts of the majority in this world. Every single youths and youngsters are too into these social Medias. Social Medias like Facebook and Instagram are o…
Technology has changed the world to a different angle. What we saw in the past is not what we see now. What our ancestors did in there period of time is not what we do now. We will not be able to think of all the past life style …
In the modern world, technology is playing a major role. Today we see no house without computers, laptops, tablets or Smartphone. At least one among them will be used in each and every house. When all of these improved in the wor…
We have always spoken about the technological improvements, but they have indeed created a big impact in the lives of the people who live in this era. When the technology came up, internet started spreading up so fast that it fin…