Android App

How to Use Voice Effects During Calls in Android

Communication has turned out to be quiet easy, where we can talk to or message someone within seconds and receive a reply at the same moment too. They are all in the tip of our fingers and thanks to the technology for that. Along…

How to Protect Your Android Phone From Thieves

As we are moving towards an advanced world with technology, we have to come across so many facts that are supposed to be our prominence. Security and self-protection is very important in our world and there by the technology take…

Turn Android Phone into Connected IP Camera and Monitor Remotely

It’s not just the technology that should advance but also the security, when we have no security around us then what’s the point in having all the other technologies. Without the security method, we will have to lead a life of fe…

How to Remove Unwanted Objects From a Photo

Every single day we see so many new trends coming into the lifestyle of the youths and youngsters. Among all of them, social media plays a vital role. The main objection of the social media is photography and pictures. As we have…

How to Identify Fake Apps in Google Playstore

When smart t phones were introduced, quickly it started to become one big trend in the world. Each and everyone desired to use one of them, as it had features that were so useful for the people. Not only for official or business …

How to Analyze Real-Time Data Usage in Android

In the modern world, technology is playing a major role. Today we see no house without computers, laptops, tablets or Smartphone. At least one among them will be used in each and every house. When all of these improved in the wor…

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